CoRe has three major missions: firstly to be a leader in the area of reproductive sciences; secondly, to train the next generation of basic and physician scientists to think critically and to apply advanced computational and genomic technologies to fundamental questions of reproductive health and disease; and thirdly, to recruit biologists with knowledge in key areas of biology to tackle the most fundamental and pressing issues facing reproductive scientists and clinicians. To this end, over the past thirteen years, our center has recruited many biologists with interests in the mechanisms of gene regulation, epigenetics, DNA repair and genome stability, and chromatin biology to apply their knowledge of their specialty to questions relating to reproduction and infertility. Not only does this enrich our focus on the reproductive sciences, but the model systems in the reproductive axis provide an ideal test system in which to further our understanding of basic mechanisms of genome and systems biology. Additionally, we believe that, in order to achieve these goals, it is critical to combine the very best basic researchers with clinicians at the forefront of efforts to improve male reproductive health and fertility.
Our efforts in the clinical realm extend across human and animal medicine because many of the challenges facing reproductive biology in diverse species are of similar origins. This broad translational focus allows us to provide a robust training environment for our MD, DVM, and PhD trainees alike, but also enhances our focus on comparative approaches to understand the genomic, epigenomic, and epitranscriptomic regulation of reproductive health. Finally, through our annual symposium and through our outreach to the broader scientific community, CoRe has developed a strong reputation as a leading center for forging strong interdisciplinary collaborations. It is our firm belief that, only by collaboration and through team science, can we really make groundbreaking advances in the area of reproductive medicine.