Featured Publications
Stuhlmann Lab (topic: Uterine and Placental Biology)
Argueta LB, Lacko LA, Bram Y, Tada T, Carrau L, Rendeiro AF, Zhang T, Uhl S, Lubor BC, Chandar V, Gil C, Zhang W, Dodson BJ, Bastiaans J, Prabhu M, Houghton S, Redmond D, Salvatore CM, Yang YJ, Elemento O, Baergen RN, tenOever BR, Landau NR, Chen S, Schwartz RE, Stuhlmann H. Inflammatory Responses in the Placenta upon SARS-CoV-2 Infection Late in Pregnancy. iScience. 104223 Online ahead of print (2022).
The effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection on placental function is not well understood. In this study, we analyzed placentas from women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at delivery. SARS-CoV-2 genomic and subgenomic RNA as detected in 22 out of 52 placentas. Placentas from two mothers with symptomatic COVID-19 whose pregnancies resulted in adverse outcomes for the fetuses contained high levels of viral Alpha variant RNA. The RNA was localized to the trophoblasts that cover the fetal chorionic villi and that are in direct contact with maternal blood. The intervillous spaces and chorionic villi were infiltrated with maternal macrophages and T cells. Transcriptome analysis showed increased expression of chemokines and pathways associated with viral infection and inflammation. Infection of placental cultures ex vivo with live SARS-CoV-2 and with spike protein-pseudotyped lentivirus showed infection of syncytiotrophoblast and, in rare cases, endothelial cells mediated by ACE2 and Neuropilin-1. Viruses with Alpha, Beta and Delta variant spikes infected the placental cultures at significantly greater levels.
The findings show that SARS-CoV-2 infection late in pregnancy can lead to severe inflammatory responses. They further highlight the importance of preventing infections during pregnancy through vaccination, and for monitoring the health of COVID-19 mothers and their infants in order to identify possible long-term clinical impacts.
Additional publications
Cohen (Paula) Lab
- Gray S., Santiago E.R., Chappie J.S., and Cohen P.E. Cyclin N-terminal domain-containing-1 coordinates meiotic crossover formation with cell cycle progression in a cyclin-independent manner. Cell Reports 32(1): 107858 (2020)
- Roy J.C.L., Vitalo A., Andrew M.A., Mota-Silva E., Kovalenko M., Burch Z., Nhu A.M., Cohen P.E., Grabczyk E., Wheeler V.C., & Mouro Pinto R. Somatic CAG expansion in Huntington’s disease is dependent on the MLH3 endonuclease domain, which can be excluded via splice redirection. Nucleic Acids Research 49(7): 3907-3918 (2021)
- Pereira C., Arroyo-Martinez G.A., Guo M.Z., Downey M.S., Kelly E.R., Grive K.J., Mahadevaiah S.K., Freire R., Turner J.M.A., Lyndaker A.M., Brieño-Enríquez M.A., Cohen P.E., Smolka M.B., & Weiss R.S. Multiple 9-1-1 complexes promote homolog synapsis, DSB repair, and ATR signaling during mammalian meiosis. eLife 11:e68677 (2022)
- Sims J.R., Faça V.M., Pereira C., Ascenção C., Comstock W., Badar J., Arroyo-Martinez G.A., Freire R., Cohen P.E., Weiss R.S. & Smolka M.B. Phosphoproteomics of ATR Signaling in Mouse Testes. eLife 11: e68648 (2022)
Cohen (Roy) Lab
- Roy Cohen, Chinatsu Mukai, Jacquelyn L Nelson, Shoshana S Zenilman, Danielle M Sosnicki, Alexander J Travis. A genetically targeted sensor reveals spatial and temporal dynamics of acrosomal calcium and sperm acrosome exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry 298: 101868 (2022)
Lee Lab
- Li CL, Pu M, Wang W, Chaturbedi A, Emerson FJ, Lee SS. Region-specific H3K9me3 gain in aged somatic tissues in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Genet. 17(9):e1009432. (2021) PMID: 34506495
- Wang W, Chaturbedi A, Wang M, An S, Santhi Velayudhan S, Lee SS. SET-9 and SET-26 are H3K4me3 readers and play critical roles in germline development and longevity. Elife. 7. pii: e34970 (2018) PMID: 29714684
Wolfner Lab
- McCullough, E.L.*, Whittington, E.*, Singh, A.*, Pitnick, S.**, Wolfner, M.F.** and Dorus,S.** The life history of Drosophila sperm involves molecular continuity betweenmale and female reproductive tracts. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 119(11):e2119899119. (2022)
- Allen, S.E.*, Chen, D.*, Misra, S.* and Wolfner, M.F. Seminal Metalloprotease-1.Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, 4th edition. Vol. 1 Metalloproteases. N. Rawlings,editor. Elsevier. In press. (2022)
- Li et al. {Drosophila FCA consortium} FlyCell Atlas: a single cell transcriptomic atlasof the adult fruit fly. Science, 375(6584):eabk2432. (2022)
- Amaro, I.A., Ahmed-Braimah, Y., League, G.P., Pitcher, S., Avila, F.W., Cruz, P.C.,Harrington, L.C.*, and Wolfner, M.F.* Seminal fluid proteins inducetranscriptome changes in the Aedes aegypti female lower reproductive tract, includingup-regulation of immunity-related RNAs. BMC Genomics, 22(1):896. (2021)
- League, G.P. Degner, E.C., Pitcher, S.A., Hafezi, Y., Tennant, E., Cruz, P.C., Krishnan, R.S.,Garcia Castillo, S.S., Alfonso-Parra, C., Avila, F.W., Wolfner, M.F.*, and Harrington,L.C.* The impact of mating and sugar feeding on blood-feeding physiology andbehavior in the arbovirus vector mosquito Aedes aegypti. PLoS Neglected TropicalDiseases, 15(9):e0009815. (2021)
- Meyer, H., Buhr, A., Callaerts, P., Scheimann, R., Wolfner, M.F., Marygold, S.J. Identification and bioinformatic analysis of neprilysin and neprilysin-likemetalloendopeptidases in Drosophila melanogaster. microPublication Biology.10.17912/micropub.biology.000410. (2021)
- Suarez, S.S. and Wolfner, M.F. Cilia take the egg on a magic carpet ride. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA, 118(27):e2108887118 (Commentary). (2021)
- Koreman, G.T.*, Xu, Y.*, Hu, Q.*, Zhang, Z., Allen, S.E., Wolfner, M.F., Wang, B. and Han,C. Upgraded CRISPR/Cas9 Tools for Tissue-Specific Mutagenesis in Drosophila. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 118(14):e2014255118. (2021)
- Immarigeon, C., Frei, Y. Delbare, S.Y., Gligorov, D., Machado Almeida, P., Grey, J.,Nagoshi, E., Billeter, J.-C., Wolfner, M.F., Karch, F. and Maeda, R.K. (2021)Identification of a novel micro peptide and multiple secondary cell genes that modulateDrosophila male reproductive success. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA,118(15):e2001897118. (2021)
- Allen, S.E.*, Koreman, G.T.*, Sarkar, A.*, Wang, B., Wolfner, M.F.**, and Han, C.** Versatile CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mosaic analysis by gRNA- induced crossing -over for unmodified genomes. PLoS Biology, 19(1):e3001061. (2021)
- White, M.A.*, Chen, D.S.*, and Wolfner, M.F. She’s got nerve: roles of octopamine in insect female reproduction. J. Neurogenet., 28, 1-22. (2021)
- White, M.A., Bonfini, A., Wolfner, M.F.* and Buchon, N.* Drosophila melanogastersex peptide is a key regulator of female midgut morphology and physiology. Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA, 118(1):e2018112118. (2021)
- Hu, Q., Antipova, O.A., O’Halloran, T.V. and Wolfner, M.F. X-ray fluorescencemicroscopy scanning of Drosophila oocytes and eggs. STAR Protocols, 2(1):100247. (2020)
- Delbare, S.Y.N.*, Ahmed-Braimah, Y.H.*, Wolfner, M.F., Clark, A.G. Interactionsbetween the microbiome and mating influence the female’s transcriptional profile inDrosophila melanogaster. Scientific Reports, 10(1):18168. (2020)
- Ahmed-Braimah, Y.H., Wolfner, M.F., and Clark, A.G. Differences in post-matingtranscriptional responses between conspecific and heterospecific matings in Drosophila.Mol. Bio. Evoln, 38, 986-999. (2021)
- Camargo, C., Ahmed-Braimah, Y., Amaro, I.A., Harrington, L.C., Wolfner, M.F. and Avila,F. W. Mating and blood-feeding induce transcriptome changes in the femalesperm storage organs of the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti. Scientific Reports,10(1): 14899. (2020)
- Misra, S. and Wolfner, M.F. Drosophila seminal Sex Peptide associates with rival aswell as own sperm, providing SP function in polyandrous females. eLife, 9:e58322. (2020)
- Wigby, S.*, Brown, N.C.*, Allen, S.E., Misra, S., Sepil, I., Sitnik, J.L., Clark, A.G., andWolfner, M.F. The Drosophila seminal proteome and its role in spermcompetition. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 375(1813):20200072. (2020)
- Hu, Q. and Wolfner, M.F. (2020) Regulation of TRPM activation and calcium wave initiationduring Drosophila egg activation. Mol. Repro. Dev., 87(8) 880-886. (2020)
- Hu, Q., Duncan, F.E., Nowakowski, A.B., Antipova, O.A., Woodruff, T.K., O’Halloran, T.V.,Wolfner, M.F. Zinc dynamics during Drosophila oocyte maturation and eggactivation. iScience, 23(7):101275. (2020)
- Sinha, S., Jones, B. Traniello, I. Bukhari, S.A., Halfon, M.S., Hofmann, H.A., Huang, S.,Katz, P., Keagy, J., Lynch, V.J., Sokolowski, M.B., Stubbs, L.J., Tabe-Bordbar, S.,
- Wolfner, M.F., and Robinson, G.E. Behavior-Related Gene RegulatoryNetworks: A New Level of Organization in the Brain. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 117(38):23270-23279. (2020)
- Sepil, I. Hopkins, B. Dean, R., Friedman, S., Bath, E., Swanson, B. Sandham, E., Ostridge, H.,Buehner, N., Wolfner, M.F., Konietzny, R., Thezenas, M-L., Charles, P.D., Fischer, R.,Steinhauer, J., Kessler, B.M., and Wigby, S. Ejaculate deterioration with maleage and its amelioration in Drosophila. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 117(29): 17094-17103. (2020)
- Hu, Q., Aviles-Velez, A., and Wolfner, M.F. Drosophila Plc21C is involved in calciumwave propagation during egg activation. Micropublications Biology2020:10.17912/micropub.biology.000235. (2020)
- Sirot, L.K.* and Wolfner, M.F. “Call and response”: a case of behavioral-molecularcopulatory dialogue? Bioessays, 42(11):e2000248. (Commentary (“Ideas to Watch”)) (2020)
- Orr, T.J., Burns, M., Hawkes, K., Holekamp, K.E., Kimmitt, A.A., Lewis, K.S., Lipshutz,S.E., Stadmauer, D., S, N.L., Wolfner, M.F. and Hayssen,V. It takes two to tango:including a female perspective in reproductive biology. Integrative Compar. Biol.,60(3):796-813. (2020)
- Hafezi, Y., Sruba, S.R., Tarrash, S.R., Wolfner, M.F. and Clark, A.G. CRISPR mutantsof three Y chromosome genes suggest gradual evolution of fertility functions inDrosophila melanogaster. Genetics, 214(4): 977-990. (2020)
- York-Andersen, A.H.*, Hu, Q.*, Wood, B.W., Wolfner, M.F.** and Weil, T.T.** Acalcium mediated actin redistribution at egg activation in Drosophila, Mol. Repro. Dev.,87(2): 293-304. (2020)
- Anholt, R.R.H., O’Grady, P. Wolfner, M.F. and Harbison, S.T. Evolution of Reproductive Behavior. Genetics (Flybook), 214(1): 49-73. (2019)
- Pitnick, S., Wolfner, M.F., and Dorus, S. PEMS: post-ejaculation modifications tosperm. Biological Reviews, 95(2) 365-392. (2019)
- Chen, D.S.*, Delbare, S.Y.N.*, White, S.L.*, Sitnik, J.L., Chatterjee, M., Dobell, E.L., Weiss,O.D., Clark, A.G.**, and Wolfner, M.F.** Female genetic contributions to spermcompetition in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 212: 789-800. (2019)
- Hu, Q. and Wolfner, M.F. Drosophila Trpm mediates calcium influx during eggactivation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116:18994-19000. (2019)
- Wigby, S., Lazzaro, B.P., Suarez, S.S., Pizzari, T., and Wolfner, M.F. Reproductive/immunity effects on sperm success. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 135:287-313. (2019)
- Hoke, K., Bass, A., McCune, A., Regan, E., and Wolfner, M.F. Co-opting Evo-Devoconcepts for new insights into behavioural and neural diversity. J. Exp. Bio. 222(Pt 8).pii: jeb190058. (2019)
- League, G.P., Baxter, L.L., Wolfner, M.F.* and Harrington, L.C.* Male accessorygland molecules inhibit harmonic convergence during courtship flight in the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Current Biology 29(6):R196-R197. (2019)
- Zhang, Z., Ahmed-Braimah, Y.H., Goldberg, M.L., and Wolfner, M.F. Calcineurindependent protein phosphorylation changes during egg activation in Drosophilamelanogaster. Mol. Cell. Proteomics 18(Suppl 1):S145-S158. (2019)
- Degner, E.C.*, Ahmed-Braimah, Y.H.*, Borziak, K., Wolfner, M.F.**, Harrington, L.C.**,and Dorus, S.** Reproductive functions and genetic architecture of the seminal fluid and sperm proteomes of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Mol. Cell. Proteomics18(Suppl 1):S6-S22. (2019)
Johnson Lab
- Stephens, C.S., A. Hill-Ricciuti, L. Francoeur, and P.A. Johnson. Feeding Level Is Associated with Altered Liver Transcriptome and Follicle Selection in the Hen. Biology of Reproduction 1–10. (2022)
- Francoeur, L., C.S. Stephens, and P.A. Johnson. Ad Libitum Feeding in Broiler Breeder Hens Alters the Transcriptome of Granulosa Cells of Prehierarchal Follicles. Animals, 11: 2706. (2021)
- Lemcke, R. A., C.S. Stephens, K.A. Hildebrandt and P. A. Johnson. Anti-Müllerian hormone type II receptor in avian follicle development. Biology of Reproduction 99(6):1227-1234 (2018)
O’Brien Lab
- Cornes R, Sintes C, PeñaA, AlbinS, O’Brien KO, Donangelo CM. Daily intake of a functional synbiotic yogurt increases calcium absorption in young adult women. J. Nutr In Press. (2022)
- Delaney KM, Cao Chang, Guillet R, Pressman EK, O’Brien KO. Fetal Iron Uptake from Recent Maternal Diet and Red Blood Cell Catabolism. Am J Clin Nutr Jan 31 (2022)
- O’Brien KO. Maternal, Fetal and Placental Regulation of Placental Iron Trafficking. Placenta Dec 24:S0143-4004(21)0067-6. (2021)
- Best CM, Sherwood R, Novotny JA, Zhang S, Pressman EK, O’Brien KO. Vitamin D3kinetics in nonpregnant and pregnant women after a single oral dose of trideuterated vitamin D3. J Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Feb 216:106034. (2022)
- Barad A, Guillet R, Pressman EK, Katzman PJ, Miller RK, Darrah TH. Placental Iron Content is Lower than Previously Estimated and is Associated with Maternal Iron Status in Women at Greater Risk for Gestational Iron Deficiency and Anemia. J Nutr 152(3):737-746 (2022)
- Tussing-Humphreys L, LaBomascus B, O’Brien K, Nemeth E, Sangkhae V, Steffen A, Elam G, Castellanso K, DeMartelly V, Ruchob R, Welke L, Hemphill N, Pezley L, McLeod A, Hirsch B, Ferrans C, Koenig MD. Prepregnancy obesity does not impact placental iron trafficking. J Nutr 151(9):2646-54. (2021)
- Rahmani R, Stevens E, Rackovsky N, O’Brien KO, Schwartz GJ, Weber DR. Female Sex and Obesity are Risk Factors for Impaired Calcium Intake in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. Frontiers in Clinical Diabetes 2:723855. (2021)
- Delaney KM, Guillet R, Pressman EK, Ganz T, Nemeth E, O’BrienKO. Umbilical cord erythroferrone is inversely associated with hepcidin, but does not capture the most variability in iron status of neonates born to teens carrying singletons and women carrying multiples. J Nutr 4:151(9):2590-2600. Published alongwith an editorial: Kling PJ. Ironing out the details of maternal-fetal iron trafficking: New Tools in the Toolbox. J Nutr 2021; 151(9):2509-2510. (2021)
- Kang W, Barad, A, Clark AG, Wang Y, Gu Z, O’Brien KO. Ethnic differences in iron status: A systematic reviewand meta-analysis. Adv Nutr Res 1:12(5):1838-53. (2021)
- Delaney KM, Guillet R, Pressman EK, Ganz T, Nemeth E, O’Brien KO. Serum erythroferrone during pregnancy is related to erythropoietin but does not predict the risk of anemia. J Nutr 151(7):1824-33. (2021)
- Kang W, Baer N, Ramsan M, Vermeylen, F, Stoltzfus RJ, O’Brien, KO. Iron Supplementation in anemic Zanzibari toddlers is associated with greater loss in erythrocyte iron isotope enrichment. Am J Clin Nutr 114(1):330-7. (2021)
- Wallace TC, Bailey RL, Lappe J, O’Brien KO, Wang DD, Weaver CM. Dairy intake and bone health across the lifespan: A systematic review and expert narrative. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2020; Sep 14:1-47. (2020)
- Delaney KM, Guillet R, Pressman EK, Caulfield LE, Zavaleta N, O’Brien KO. Iron absorption during pregnancy is underestimated when iron utilization by the placenta and fetus are ignored. Am J Clin Nutr 112:576-585. (2020)
- Koenig MD, Klikuszowian E, O’Brien KO, Pauls H, Steffen A, DeMartelly V, Ruchob R, Welke L,Hemphill N, LaBomascus B, Pezley L, McLeod A, Hirsch B, Ferrans CE, Tussing-Humphreys L. Prepregnancy Obesity is not Associated with Iron Utilization during the Third Trimester of Pregnancy. J Nutr 150(6):1397-1404. (2020)
- Vander Wyst KB, Vercelli ME, O’Brien KO, Cooper EM, Pressman EK, Whisner CM. A social media intervention to improve nutrition knowledge and behaviors of low income, pregnant adolescents and adult women. PLoS One 14(10):e0223120. (2020)
- Finkelstein J, Guillet R, Pressman EK, Kent TR, Guetterman HM, O’Brien KO. Vitamin B12 Status in Pregnant Adolescents and their Infants. Nutrients 11(2):397. (2019)
- Gil-Díaz MC, Raynor J, Schwartz GJ, O’Brien KO, Weber DR. Systematic Review: Associations of Calcium Intake, Vitamin D Intake, and Physical Activity on Skeletal Outcomes in People with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Acta Diabetologica 56(1):1091-1102. (2019)
- Güngör D, Nadaud P, LaPergola CC, Dreibelbis C,Wong YP, Terry N, Abrams SA, Beker L, Jacobovits T, Järvinen KM, Laurie A. Nommsen-Rivers L, O’Brien KO, Oken E, Pérez-Escamilla R, Ziegler RE, Spahn JM (USDA Pregnancy/Birth-24 months Technical Expert Committee 1). Infant milk-feeding practices and food allergies, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and asthma throughout the lifespan: A systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr (Special Supplement) 109(Suppl 7):772S-799S. (2019)
- Güngör D, Nadaud P, Dreibelbis C, LaPergola CC, Wong YP, Terry N, Abrams SA, Beker L, Jacobovits T, Järvinen KM, Laurie A. Nommsen-Rivers L, O’Brien KO, Oken E, Pérez-Escamilla R, Ziegler RE, Spahn JM (USDA Pregnancy/Birth-24 months Technical Expert Committee 1). Infant milk-feeding practices and childhood leukemia: A systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr (Special Supplement) 109(Suppl 7):757S-771S. (2019)
- Güngör D, Nadaud P, LaPergola CC, Dreibelbis C, Wong YP, Terry N, Abrams SA, Beker L, Jacobovits T, Järvinen KM, Laurie A. Nommsen-Rivers L, O’Brien KO, Oken E, Pérez-Escamilla R, Ziegler RE, Spahn JM (USDA Pregnancy/Birth-24 months Technical Expert Committee 1). Infant milk-feeding practices and celiac disease and irritable bowel disease and outcomes in offspring: A systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr (Special Supplement) 109(Suppl 7):838S-851S. (2019)
- Güngör D, Nadaud P, LaPergola CC, Dreibelbis C, Wong YP, Terry N, Abrams SA, Beker L, Jacobovits T, Järvinen KM, Laurie A. Nommsen-Rivers L, O’Brien KO, Oken E, Pérez-Escamilla R, Ziegler RE, Spahn JM (USDA Pregnancy/Birth-24 months Technical Expert Committee 1). Infant milk-feeding practices and diabetes outcomes in offspring: A systematic review. Am J Clin Nutr (Special Supplement) 109(Suppl 7):817S-837S. (2019)
- Güngör D, Nadaud P, LaPergola CC, Dreibelbis C, Wong YP, Terry N, Abrams SA, Beker L, Jacobovits T, Järvinen KM, Laurie A. Nommsen-Rivers L, O’Brien KO, Oken E, Pérez-Escamilla R, Ziegler RE, Spahn JM (USDA Pregnancy/Birth-24 months Technical Expert Committee 1). Infant milk-feeding practices and cardiovascular disease outcomes in offspring: A systematic review. 109(Suppl 7):800S-816S. (2019)
- Delaney KM, Guillet R, Fleming RE, Yu R, Pressman EK, Vermeylen F, Nemeth E, O’Brien KO. Umbilical Cord Serum Ferritin Concentrations: Relation to Markers of Iron status and Erythropoiesis. J Nutr 149(3):406-415. (2019)
- Best CM, Pressman EK, Queenan RA, Cooper E, O’Brien KO. Longitudinal changes in serum vitamin D binding protein and free 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in a multiracial cohort of pregnant adolescents. J Steroid Chem and Molec Biol 186:79-88. (2019)
- Steinl G, Whisner CM, Pressman EK, Cooper E, Groth SW, O’Brien KO. Patterns and correlates of self-reported physical activity in a cohort of racially diverse pregnant adolescents. J Pediatr Adoles Gynecology 32(1):51-6. (2019)
- O’Brien KO, Abrams SA. Using stable isotope tracers to study bone metabolism in children. J Physiology Invited Review. J Physiol. 597(5):1311-9. (2019)
Lujan Lab
- Kazemi M, Kim JY, Wan C, Xiong JD, Parry SA, Azziz R, Lujan ME. Comprehensive evaluation of disparities in cardiometabolic and reproductive risk between Hispanic and White women with polycystic ovary syndrome in the United States: a systematic reviewand meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 226(2):187-204.e15. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2021.07.032. Epub 2021 Aug 9. (2022)
- Vanden Brink H, Nosrati A, Ortiz-Flores AE, Tam A, Jarrett BY, Johnson L, Peppin AK,Lujan ME. Reliability and agreement of ultrasonographic measures of the ovarian stroma:impact of methodology. J Ultrasound Med 10.1002/jum.15917. (2021)
- Oldfield AL, Kazemi M, Lujan ME. Impact of obesity on anti-mullerian hormone (AMH)levels in women of reproductive age. J Clin Med 10(14):3192. (2021)
- Lin AW, Siscovick D, Sternfeld B, Schreiner P, Lewis CE, Wang ET, Merkin SS, WellonsM, Steffen L, Calderon-Margalit R, Cassano PA, Lujan ME. Associations of diet, physicalactivity and polycystic ovary syndrome in the Coronary Artery Risk Development inYoung Adults Women’s Study. BMC Public Health. 21(1):35. (2021)
- Kazemi M, Kim JY, Parry SA, Azziz R, Lujan ME. Disparities in cardio-metabolic riskbetween Black and White women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a systematic reviewand meta-analysis. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 224(5):428-444.e8. (2021)
- Vanden Brink H, Pea J, Lujan ME. Ultrasonographic features of ovarian morphologycapture nutritional and metabolic influences on the reproductive axis: implications forbiomarker development in ovulatory disorders. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 70:42-47. (2021)
- Vanden Brink H, Pisch AJ, Lujan ME. A comparison of 2D and 3D ultrasonographicmethods for the evaluation of ovarian follicle counts and classification of ovarianmorphology. Fertil Steril 2021; 115(3):761-770.Article Commentary: Dewailly, D. Counting follicles to define polycystic ovarymorphology: should we change our way we do it? Fertil Steril. 115(3):605-606. (2021)
- Ding A, Guerin A, Lujan ME, Velez MP. Polycystic ovary syndrome and incidentaldiagnosis of mosaic Turner Syndrome. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 43(6):756-759. (2021)
- Kazemi M, Hadi A, Pierson RA, Lujan ME, Zello GA, Chilibeck PD. Effects of DietaryGlycemic Index and Glycemic Load on Cardiometabolic and Reproductive Profiles inWomen with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Adv Nutr. 1;12(1):161-178. (2021)
- Jarrett BY, Vanden Brink H, Oldfield AL, Lujan ME. Ultrasound Characterization ofDisordered Antral Follicle Development in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. J. Clin Endocrinol Metab. 105(11). (2020)
- Kazemi M, Jarrett BY, Parry SA, Thalacker-Mercer A, Hoeger KM, Spandorfer SD, LujanME. Osteosarcopenia in reproductive-aged women with polycystic ovary syndrome: amulticenter case-control study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 105(9):e3400-14. (2020)
- Pirotta S, Joham A, Grieger JA, Tay CT, Bahri-Khomami M, Lujan ME, Lim SS, MoranLJ. Obesity and the Risk of Infertility, Gestational Diabetes, and Type 2 Diabetes inPolycystic Ovary Syndrome. Semin Reprod Med. 38(6):342-351. (2020)
- Kazemi K, Jarrett BY, Vanden Brink H, Lin AW, Hoeger KM, Spandorfer SD, Lujan ME.Obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperandrogenism mediate the link between poor dietquality and ovarian dysmorphology in reproductive-aged women. Nutrients. 12(7):1953 (2019)
- Lin AW, Kazemi M, Jarrett BY, Vanden Brink H, Hoeger KM, Spandorfer SD, Lujan ME.Dietary and physical activity behaviors in women with polycystic ovary syndrome per thenew international evidence-based guideline. Nutrients. 2019, 11(11). pii: E2711.
- Jarrett BY, Vantman N, Mergler RJ, Brooks ED, Pierson RA, Chizen DR, Lujan ME.Dysglycemia, not altered sex steroid hormones, affects cognitive function in polycysticovary syndrome. Journal of the Endocrine Society 3(10):1858-1868. (2019)
- Jarrett BY, Vanden Brink H, Brooks ED, Hoeger KM, Spandorfer SD, Pierson RA, ChizenDR, Lujan ME. Impact of intra-individual variation on the ultrasonographic diagnosis ofpolycystic ovary syndrome. Fertility and Sterility. 112(5):939-946. (2019)
- Kazemi M, Pierson RA, Lujan ME, Chilibeck PD, McBreairty LE, Gordon JJ, Serrao SB,Zello GA, Chizen DR. Comprehensive evaluation of type 2 diabetes and cardiovasculardisease risk profiles in reproductive-age women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a largeCanadian cohort. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. 41(10):1453-1460. (2019)
- Jarrett BY, Lin AW, Lujan ME. A commentary on the new evidence-based lifestylerecommendations for patients with polycystic ovary syndrome and potential barriers totheir implementation in the United States. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 119(2):205-210 (2019)
Place Lab
- Buffenstein R (67 others including Place NJ) and Smith ESJ. (2021). The naked truth: a comprehensive clarification and classification of current ‘myths’ in naked mole-rat biology. Biol Rev. 97:115-140. (2021)
- McCormick K, Holekamp KE, Smale L, Weldele ML, Glickman SE and Place NJ. Sex differences in spotted hyenas. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. Online ahead of print (2021)
- Place NJ, Prado AM*, Faykoo-Martinez M, Brieño-Enriquez MA, Albertini DF and Holmes MM. Germ cell nests in adult ovaries and an unusually large ovarian reserve in the naked mole-rat. Reproduction. 161:89-98. (2020)
- Zak A, Siwinska N, Elzinga S, Barker VD, Stefaniak T, Schanbacher Bj, Place NJ, Niedzwiedz A and Adams AA. Effects of advanced age and pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction on components of the acute phase reaction in horses. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 72: 106476. (2020)
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Weiss Lab
- Pereira, C., Arroyo-Martinez, G.A., Guo, M.Z., Downey, M.S., Kelly, E.R., Grive, K.J., Mahadevaiah, S.K., Sims, J.R., Faça, V.M., Tsai, C., Schiltz, C.J., Wit, N., Jacobs, H., Clark, N.L., Freire, R., Turner, J.M.A, Lyndaker, A.M., Brieño-Enríquez, M.A., Cohen, P.E., Smolka, M.B., and Weiss, R.S. Multiple 911 complexes promote homolog synapsis, DSB repair and ATR signaling during mammalian meiosis. eLife 2022;11:e68677 DOI: 10.7554/eLife.68677 (2022)
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Kazemi Lab
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- Kazemi M, Pierson RA, Parry SA, Kaviani M, Chilibeck PD*. Obesity, but not hyperandrogenism or insulin resistance, predicts skeletal muscle mass in reproductive-aged women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 45 observational studies. Obesity Reviews. 2021; 22 (8): e13255. https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.13255. (2021)
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- Kazemi M, McBreairty LE, Chilibeck PD, Pierson RA, Chizen DR, Zello GA. Knowledge, attitudes, and barriers towards dietary pulse consumption in women with polycystic ovary syndrome participating in a multi-disciplinary lifestyle change intervention to improve women’s health. Sexes. 2 (1): 88–103. https://doi.org/10.3390/sexes2010008. (2021)
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- Kazemi M, Jarrett BY, Parry SA, Thalacker-Mercer AE, Hoeger KM, Spandorfer SD, Lujan ME. Osteosarcopenia in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A multicenter case-control study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 105 (9): e3400–e3414. https://doi.org/10.1210/clinem/dgaa426. (2020)
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Seandel Lab
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Nikitin Lab
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Comizzoli Lab
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Daugherity Lab
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Schimenti Lab
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Ruthig Lab
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Smolka Lab
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