The Tri-Institutional Symposium on Reproductive Sciences, or Tri-Repro for short, evolved from CoRe’s highly successful annual symposium that began in 2008. In 2017, we invited the Magee Womens Research Institute at the University of Pittsburgh to join us in a rotating annual series. This was followed, in 2019, by a similar invitation to the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Research on Reproduction and Women’s Health. Together, these three centers of excellence in reproductive biology and medicine represent the regional Tri-Repro consortium, led by Paula Cohen (Cornell), Marisa Bartolomei (Penn), and Kyle Orwig (Pittsburgh). In 2019, we secured R13 funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Development to partially support the costs of this annual event, with remaining costs being split between the three centers. Each year, Tri-Repro is organized by a committee made up of trainees from the three institutions who select keynote speakers and choose trainee speakers from the dozens of abstracts that are submitted. We welcome researchers from across the Northeast and nationally, with a heavy emphasis on providing networking opportunities for our trainees. The current schedule for Tri-Repro is as follows:

2024    University of Pittsburgh

2025    University of Pennsylvania

2026    Cornell University

2027    University of Pittsburgh

For more information about the 2024 Tri-Repro Symposium, please click here.

Group photo with members of the Cohen lab and collaborators from Pittsburgh and Pennsylvania
A speaker presentation at 2024 Tri-Repro
Dr. Runi Das giving her keynote speech at Tri-Repro 2024
A slide from the 2024 Stuart Moss Memorial Lecture
Ruihan Xu and her poster for the poster session at Tri-Repro
Ian Wolff and Banseok Lee discussing a poster at the Tri-Repro poster session
Prize winners from the Tri-Repro award ceremony for best speaker and best poster
Munisha Mumingjiang and Leah Simon speaking at the Tri-Repro Symposium
2 Cornell trainees in front of a “The SKP1-Cullin-Fbox E3 ubiquitin ligase complex is dynamically regulated throughout mouse spermatogenesis” poster
A Cornell graduate student describes her research results to a faculty member in front of her scientific poster display
Female scientist standing in front of “Development of three-dimensional culture systems for in vitro spermatogenesis” poster
Cornell Postdoc, Mercedes Carro, and Penn Faculty member, Andrew Modzelewski, standing in front of Mercedes' poster
Dr Paula Cohen and two colleagues posing in front of “Role of AGO proteins in sex chromosome inactivation during male meiosis” poster display
Dr Paula Cohen, Dr Ned Place and Dr Connor Owens in front of “Naked mole-rat oocyte meiosis prophase I reveals MLH1 persistence” poster display
Large group of attendees with scientific posters presented by Cornell, Penn, and Pittsburgh trainees in a conference hall
Small group of attendees with scientific posters presented by Cornell, Penn, and Pittsburgh trainees in a conference hall
Dr Connor Owens posing in front of “Naked mole-rat oocyte meiosis prophase I reveals MLH1 persistence” poster display
Graduate student, Gerardo Arroyo-Martinez, discussing his poster with a Penn faculty member
Dr. Tegan Horan and an attendee discussing a scientific poster display
Poster author and two attendee discussing a “Genetic variation in female control of mating plug ejection in D. melanogaster” poster display
Dr. Carrolline Ascencao posing in front of her poster, entitled “Multiple TOPBP1 functions in XY control are required for male fertility” Image
Dr. Rui Huang standing in front of and discussing “Creating an in vitro platform to study the effect of genome instability in mouse and human placenta” poster
Female speaker leaving Penn Medicine podium
Dr. Carmen Williams presenting her work as the first Stuart Moss memorial Lecture
Group of Cornell Trainees posing in conference hall