• Dr. Kim smiling at the camera

    “New Insights into the Development and Survival of Uterine Fibroids”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • A portrait headshot of Dr. Arunika Das

    “Epigenetic mechanisms of centromere inheritance through the germline”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • Dr. Mariana Wolfner smiling at the camera

    “Molecular changes in eggs, sperm,and females that mediate fertility: lessons from the Drosophila model.”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • Dr. Munisha Mumingjiang smiling at the camera

    “Persistent genomic instability affects mammalian placenta development”

    Dr. Munisha Mumingjiang, a postdoc fellow at Cornell University's Schimenti lab, will be speaking as part of the BMS Seminar Series this summer for the series' first Postdoc Spotlight event.

  • Dr. Ned Place

    “InterseXX Spotted Hyenas Revisited – Possible Proximate and Ultimate Mechanisms”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • Marla Lujan

    “Toward consensus diagnostic criteria and management strategies for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • Portrait headshot of Dr. Placek, a woman with brown hair and thick-rimmed brown glasses, smiling at the camera

    “Biocultural Perspectives on Addiction, Recovery, and Motherhood: A Comparative Study”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • Portrait photo of Dr. Sasaki smiling at the camera

    “Stem Cell-based Modeling of Human Reproductive and Endocrine Organ System”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries

  • Flyer for 2024 Tri-Repro Symposium

    2024 Tri-Institutional Symposium on Reproductive Biology and Infertility

    Click here to register for the 2024 Tri-Repro Symposium in Pittsburgh, PA!

  • “Immune Regulation by the Gut Microbiome in Early Development”

    To join this event virtually: https://bit.ly/CoReSeminarSeries